None of these warning signs on its own means that a young person has bulimia but if they are exhibiting several of these signs then you are right to be concerned.
Excessive chewing of gum/drinking of water
Chewing gum, and drinking can be used both to cover the smell of vomit in a bulimic and as a distraction for any eating disorders sufferer trying to prevent themselves from eating.
Increasing isolation / loss of friends
Young people suffering from an eating disorder will often distance themselves from their friends as they become more and more wrapped up in their disorder. You should be particularly concerned if previously popular pupils appear to be distancing themselves from their peers, particularly if they are exhibiting other warning signs or fit into any of the at risk categories we discussed before.
Believes they’re fat when they’re not
This is a classic symptom of eating disorders. Pupils of normal weight who express concerns about being fat could be a cause for concern.
Secretive behaviour
Eating disorders are quite secretive diseases. Bulimia in particular usually involves secretive eating and purging. If you note an increase in secretive behaviour, or a pupils’ friends express concern about this kind of behaviour to you, it shouldn’t be dismissed.
Visits the toilet immediately after meals
Many eating disorders sufferers, especially bulimics, will visit the toilet immediately after a meal to vomit. If you note this pattern it should be a cause for concern.
By Quora July 31, 2024 - 11:49 am
What should you do if you suspect someone is bulimic?…
If you’re concerned that someone you know is bulimic then the most helpful thing you can do is to create a situation where they can talk to you - and then you should REALLY listen. If the person you’re concerned about admits that there is a problem t…
By Eating Disorders: What are the signs of an eating disorder? - Quora August 1, 2024 - 1:11 pm
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