Physical Warning Signs that a Young Person might have an Eating Disorder

You wouldn’t expect to see all of these signs as some are related to different types of eating disorders and even just one or two of them can indicate a serious underlying problem so it’s really important to take them seriously.


Weight loss

This is probably the most obvious warning sign to look out for. Any pupil who rapidly loses a large amount of weight should be followed up on. Occasionally there will be an alternative medical explanation, but in many cases it is a classic symptom of anorexia.

Weight fluctuation

Young people suffering from compulsive eating may steadily gain weight and bulimia sufferers may experience frequent fluctuations in weight depending on where in the bulimic cycle they are. As a rule of thumb any noticeable changes in weight, whether up or down, are a warning sign that shouldn’t be ignored.

Dizziness, tiredness, fainting

Dizziness, tiredness and fainting can all be caused by either anorexia or bulimia symptoms as both conditions essentially leave the sufferer malnourished.

Feeling Cold

Anorexics tend to feel very cold all the time as they don’t have the layer of fat that most of us rely on to insulate them.

Hair becomes dull or lifeless

Dull and lifeless hair is a general indicator of poor diet and may be the result of bulimia or anorexia. In severe cases, hair loss can also occur.

Swollen cheeks

Bulimics who regularly induce vomiting sometimes suffer swollen glands so the cheeks / face may appear swollen. Particularly soon after an incident of vomiting – the same puffy look that we all suffer from when we’re sick with stomach flu.

Callused knuckles

Many bulimics will make themselves sick using their fingers. When done regularly this can result in callused knuckles.

Sore throats / mouth ulcers

These are more side effects of repeated vomiting.

Tooth decay

Tooth decay can occur in bulimics who regularly induce vomiting as the acid in the vomit erodes their teeth.

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