Tel: 08500 1 22 555

Parent Helpline: Option 1

Sufferer Helpline: Option 2

Self-Harm Helpline: Option 3

Support For Family and Friends

A major part of the work of EDA is to help parents and all those who care for someone. We can provide advice and support if you fear your child may have an eating disorder, or if they are suffering with one.

Parent & Carer Helpline: 08500 1 22 555 (Option 1)

It is also a place where husbands, wives, partners, friends and family members can receive help and encouragement if they are caring for someone with an eating disorder.

Although often called on by parents of school age children, we know that however old your child is, you are always a parent, and we are here to listen to you and to encourage you during this very difficult period, letting you offload some of the tension and heartache and to get some advice.

Finding out or suspecting that someone you love and care for has an eating disorder is very frightening and worrying. Often parents do not know how to begin to tackle the situation and do not know where to turn to for help or advice. If you are supporting a child, teenager or adult with an eating disorder or if you suspect one, whether you are a mum, a dad, a sibling or relative, or a concerned friend, teacher or professional, do feel free to call and talk it through on the carers' help line, or by email.

Who will I speak to?

Our parent and carers service is run by parents who have themselves been through the experience of watching a child struggle with an eating disorder and then who have seen them go on to recovery. Whilst no two cases are identical. We can offers understanding and the opportunity in confidence to discuss ways of helping your child and the whole family.

Some of the ways EDA can help parents and carers

  • Listening from a basis of experience and understanding
  • On going support for you on our help-line whenever or as often as you need
  • Email support, advice and encouragement
  • Advising you how to get help from the NHS
  • Helping you if you suspect an eating disorder
  • Helping you manage an eating disorder, the practical and the emotional
  • Publications and resources
  • A Befriending Service offering regular on-going telephone support

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