Tel: 08500 1 22 555

Parent Helpline: Option 1

Sufferer Helpline: Option 2

Office: Option 3

Befriending support for parents

Telephone Befriending support for parents whose child has an eating disorder

EDA’s Parent helpline offers support and hope to those parenting a child with an eating disorder. For those who first suspect that their child may have an eating disorder, it is important to understand what help is available and whether medical intervention is necessary. At this stage, you would be referred to EDA's helpline where you can talk with someone who has a detailed understanding of what is involved and can help you decide the best course of action.

Parent Befriending is delivered through the expertise offered by EDA: Eating Disorder Advice (EDA), and Care For the Family a national charity that aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties. If your child already has a diagnosis and is receiving treatment for an eating disorder, then you may find it helpful to talk regularly with another parent who has themselves supported their child through the illness to recovery. If this is your situation, you will know the fear, doubt, isolation and helplessness that accompany it. Coping with your feelings and caring for your child, while still looking after the needs of the rest of the family, can be a real challenge. In partnership with Care for the Family, we have established a telephone befriending service. It offers you the chance to share your concerns with another parent on a regular, ongoing basis. Of course you are still able to ring EDA’s parent helpline in addition weekdays between 9am and 5pm.

For support, whatever your situation, do give us a ring on: 08500 1 22 555.

Talking to another parent

For many parents, it can be really helpful to be able to talk to another parent when your child has been diagnosed with an eating disorder and is receiving or awaiting professional care.

It can be a time of confusion and uncertainty about how to best help your child at home and to support the treatment process. Whether you are a mum, a dad, a single parent or a step parent you may value support and encouragement as you help your child through their illness towards recovery. The telephone befriending service will enable you to speak, in confidence, to another parent who has had a similar experience. This is not counselling, but an opportunity to share your story and be supported on a regular basis by someone who has walked a similar journey. They will be there for you, to listen, to empathise, to share from their own experiences if appropriate, to encourage and to give you hope for the future.

If you would like a Befriender then please ring: 08500 1 22 555.


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