Get Involved
Although being a small team of paid staff, we have a thriving team of volunteers across the country. We truly rely on the people that give up their time and expertise to EDA but we also know that each and every volunteer we work with finds passion and fufillment from giving back to our cause.
Together we are stronger for the people who need our support. With your help, we can reach more people struggling with eating disorders.
Volunteer experience looks great on your CV and volunteering for EDA can even help towards your university or college course or project. To find out more, click here.
Register your details on our Help Directory to reach those who need your support. Click here for more information.
Become a Befriender
Our Befriending Service provides personal support by linking people who are currently struggling to those who are recovered. If you've recovered from an eating disorder and would like utilise your experience to support someone and give back, find out more details on our befriending page.
Offer your professional expertise and help us help those eat well again. Click here to find out how you can help today.
Expert advisors
We have a growing team of professional advisors from various field of expertise, including: healthcare, education, academia and business managment. Click here for more on this role.