Posted 4 years ago
Oh goodness, I recognise so much of what you say, even to the extent of the stubbornness of your child if it is any consolation at all my daughter was/ is/ can be just the same. And it is scandalous that you have been treated as you have; where is the support for you and your daughter? reading your post I got so cross at what you have been going through. EDA do have a help line for carers as well it may help you to phone them as well (Monday to Friday 9 - 5 I think), as sometimes talking things through helps to organise your thoughts. Also keep talking on here. I would also pass on 2 bits of advice, my sister is in quality in the nhs and she has advised me that is ever I am unhappy with what I am being told then you must ask "are you refusing to treat me under the NHS" because they cannot answer yes to that. Also complain to PALS they really do take it seriously well they have for me.
I am not sure that any of this will change the situation but at least it gives you some recognition. I am currently waiting to see what the NHS can do for my daughter who has been told that she weighs too much, last time they told her that she starved herself and made an attempt on her life.
Opinions are divided on whether the illness can go away completely, I know some who have completely recovered and others who are still battling after many years. I cannot see that my girl will ever be the same happy go lucky girl that she once was, and I am very angry that it has stolen her carefree years 19 - 25 the time of freedom, but in another way she has had to face herself and know herself which does give her a tremendous insight. But from what I see the illness does change, she did begin to talk a bit more, the thing that turned her around was a good unit that she was in for 11 months that was 4 years ago. She needed to see that anorexia could not deliver the things that it seemed to promise, she is still trying to wholly believe that. Please don't give up hope though, because you still believe in your daughter you will see her through. You are right the stubbornness and horrible rude behaviour is the illness - cannot believe that the "professionals" do not get it still gobsmacked that they expect someone with an eating disorder to comply its against everything that the illness is telling them to do. Through it all I had to witness and accept behaviours and comments that I never imagined I would have to deal with, even though my chin may have been on the floor I tried to be clear that I did not expect that from her, that I understood that it wasn't her but it was the illness that I was staying by her and sought the chances to support her and show her that I still loved her, easy words I know. But please, please just keep going, you will make the difference just make sure that you look after yourself.