Making her a photo album

fingers crossed

40 posts

Posted 3 years ago

I was sorting out my house, an ongoing relentless job and I came across a number of spare phots duplicates of pictures etc. of my daughter form all stages of her life. I made her a photo album and left it on her pillow for her. I had chosen photos that I felt showed her spirit, humour, defiance and memories of good times. I wrote in the front of the album that this was a reminder to her of the lovely girl that she is and always has been, a reminder of who she is. She loved it and she gave me a lovely cuddle - sometimes I see the album on her pillow she has looked at it at the start or the end of the day. I wanted to share this idea as it seemed to help.


2 posts

Posted 3 years ago

What a lovely idea. I am going to do the same for my daughter. Thanks for sharing.


8 posts

Posted 3 years ago

Sorry - had another thought - we have made a huge poster of photos of our D with friends, family, pets etc which is on our kitchen wall. It acts as an inspiration too as we have written encouraging notes on it and she can look at it every day - just something else to think of :)

fingers crossed

40 posts

Posted 3 years ago

what a lovely idea x


8 posts

Posted 3 years ago


That is a really good idea - I would have to be really careful to say that my D is still this person as it does tend to make her feel that she will never be that girl again - but I am sure she would look at it and enjoy it.


220 posts

Posted 3 years ago

Hi Annie,
I am looking the through the posts and I was just wondering how you and your daughter are getting on?


8 posts

Posted 3 years ago

Hi not well at the moment if the truth be told. We had a great summer where everything looked better and she finally reached a restored weight but that quickly changed into binge eating and now we have a whole new game to juggle. She either eats alot or not at all - its all about control and loss of it. Our family is really suffering, my husband is at his wits end, she is lying about everything and sixth form is not working. Time to take stock and start again ....


220 posts

Posted 3 years ago

Hi Annie, thank you for your reply. It was good to read that weight restoration had gone well through the summer but I am sorry to hear that your daughter is now in a binging cycle. As you will know individuals develop eating disorders in order to supress feelings of anxiety or stress, so maybe now her weight is restored it would be the time to offer a therapy that will help your daughter to deal with her feelings of anxiety, I wonder if you are receiving support for your daughter and whether it is possible to organise some therapy.
.I am using the item that the EDA dietician wrote for this platform accessible through the links at the top right hand of the page. I will summarise it, but you will find it in detail under diet and exercise.;
-it is possible to calm the binging cycle through diet
-start by looking at the cycle of binging, does your daughter restrict to make up for a binge? - this irregular eating leads to low blood sugar levels which will in turn trigger a binge.
-When an individual binges there is a higher level of insulin in the body, the level continues to be high for a number of hours after a binge, and so a cycle of binging can lead to a sustained high level of insulin - high levels of insulin can lead to low blood sugars which can lead to a physiological desire to binge.
The EDA dietician recommends that the best way to reduce binge eating is to establish a regular pattern of eating every 3 to 4 hours - aiming to base it around snacks which contain a combination of food groups.
I hope that this will be of some use to you, let me know how you get on


8 posts

Posted 3 years ago

Hi Thank you for this information. I would really like to read the whole article but am struggling to find it - which heading is it under at the top of the EDA page ?


220 posts

Posted 3 years ago

Hi Annie,
sorry that I wasn't clear enough. It is on the home page of the parent and carers Online Community. As you look at the screen above the categories on the top righthand side you will see some titles there. Click on the one that says Diet and Exercise, click on the legend Diet and Exercise and that will take you through to the article. There are a number of items on that document Binge eating is the last item so keep scrolling. let me know if you cant track it down.

fingers crossed

40 posts

Posted 3 years ago

Sorry didn't see this before, but it does ring true, my daughter often seems to be fixed in grieving for the person she was as if there is no way that she could ever be that person again. I suppose that in truth she wont be because you cant go through something like this without it changing you, but in time and with a steady recovery that self knowledge can become empowering(on the good days), and so that is the angle that I take with her when she is about to bring herself down with guilt for being poorly

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