Posted 3 years ago
This is a poem that I wrote to my daughter when my hope was non existent, I am posting it here because it was something that I did for myself although he subject was my poorly daughter, I know that I am not a poet, and please forgive my ndulgence but it helped me, maybe it will help you, or maybe you will write something just to take your mind away for a minute. It was a poem that I wrote to my daughter as she walked away from the car back into the unit after a weekend at home. I
Blue Eyes, blonde Hair
Frightened blue eyes and thinning blonde hair
Lying blue eyes
Terrified blue eyes and lost blue eyes
A frail frame that only last year could lift me
Thin legs, larks legs,
Thin foal legs that I am afraid might snap
Thin legs with prominent veins
The safe place that you have sought is not safe, it is cold,
Your safe haven that has numbed your feelings
will try to kill you if it can
From a place of confused and obstinate abstinence you have to fight
for what all of your life up until now has been yours
In your criss cross upside down thinking you have to take hold,
You have to put your thin finger up to your dry lips and whisper 'shush' to your fears
Shine the bright light if truth on the cold silent skulking fears,
Take steady unfaltering steps back to your life
I wrote this in 2012 and now in 2017 we are in so much better a place that light at the end of the tunnel was there.
hope it helps