Posted 2 years ago
Dear Violet, I totally agree this bit of parenting is a shock and a not very nice experience. When I was a child and naughty I could tell when I was about to get told off and probably due to the amount of war films on TV in the 60s I used to say to myself DIVE DIVE DIVE and so not listen to a word that my poor mum was saying.
Fast forward the years I am the mum, and again I didn't want to hear what my daughter was saying, so although I actually did sort of listen I tried to filter it and let the negatives go over my head, that is the horrible bits the accusation, blame and disgust. After that she would be penitent or maybe just a bit less angry and then I could talk to her.
In time I leant that the anger at she felt was meant for the world, for being ill, for thinking that she was fat, for having an ed for being full of fear and because she knew she could she passed it on to me, she would tell me that it was my fault. I just put my armour up. I tried to give her nothing back emotionallyat all when she was horrible because if I did she would laugh coldly and call me pathetic
Her anger seemed to come in waves, and usually when she felt vulnerable. it would never work just saying sit down lets talk about it, so we would do something together and then she would relent a bit and maybe talk a bit more nicely. In time and with weight restoration the anger subsided and she would talk and discuss. It does feel very one sided because when they want to talk it is important to be there, but I found listening to what she was really saying and then saying it back to her, was very important Your daughter is frightened and fearful. Parents who have never had to go through this will not understand but the old rule books have to change, hope that helps a bit x