Posted 3 years ago
Hi Tiny Twin,
I do recognise those feelings, I felt as if I was in another world, I envied everyone around me who, normal life just seemed such an impossible dream. I really thought that we would never get there. But we did, we have, its not the same as before because of what we have been through, but as time goes on I realise that the coping with it all has made us all stronger as a family. Advice; try not to take things that they say to heart, they don't mean it and my own child cannot remember a huge chunk of what was said, thankfully
- try to plan easy achievable things together even if it's just watching a film together because she is exhausted. Remember that she is depleted and terrified and as horrible as she is to you she is ten times worse to herself. It may feel like a hopeless case but please keep trying to say and do nice things, to her. Secondly do good things for yourself, give yourself time off, your belief is invaluable to her.