

Fitness professionals have a potentially very important role in helping to prevent the serious consequences of an eating disorder. While exercise is important for healthy living, it can become obsessional for those with eating disorders and can be a form of perfectionism. The risk to heart, bones, fertility and even of suicide, are great.

EDA are delighted to launch this new CPD accredited e-learning course, specifically tailored to the needs of personal trainers and all types of fitness professionals. Highly practical and interactive, this introductory level course identifies the main signs and symptoms to look out for, how to initiate a conversation sensitively and appropriately with someone you may be concerned about, and how to support them after diagnosis. 

Topics covered include:

  • Facts and figures on eating disorders in the UK
  • Signs and symptoms of the main eating disorders 
  • Insights into the psychological aspects of eating disorders
  • How to approach and talk to a gym user or client who may be showing signs of an eating disorder    
  • Your duty of care as a fitness professional
  • Adapting the training programme safely and effectively
  • Confidentiality
  • Signposting to sources of expert help and support

Upon completion of the course, your CPD certificate will be available to download. 

Price: £39.00

To register on this course, please go to our online shop

For multiple course licence enquiries, please email: