Corporate Partnerships
EDA works in conjunction with corporate organisations across the UK to raise awareness of the issues surrounding eating disorders.
Our aim is to ensure that these partnerships are mutually beneficial and we are always open to new ways in which we can work together.

We have a long-standing and on-going relationship with Waitrose, whose loyal support for EDA is much appreciated. We are proud to have their dietetic endorsment.
We will work with you to organise successful fundraising events that not only raise money but will raise awareness for your company and achieve your corporate social responsibility objectives.
EDA is a national charity and we are always grateful for help from volunteers. If any of your employees would like to offer their services we will work with them to find a position that fulfil their needs and help them reach their objectives.
For you who believe we’re stronger together: “We pride ourselves in HR and value our staff. We saw our colleague’s suffering and couldn’t imagine what he was going through as he supported his daughter through an eating disorder. To know that he was being personally supported by EDA was of such reassurance and kept our team strong. Raising money for EDA is our way of saying thank you, from one team to another.”
Matched Giving
Why not support your employee in their fundraising endevours for EDA through matched giving? This is a fantastic way to not only support the work of EDA but to showcase your company or organisation as we'll feature you on our website!
Thanks to recent matched giving from Microsoft and Pearson.
Payroll giving
Payroll giving is a great way to give regularly and allows us to plan for the future. Donations are deducted before tax so each £1.00 you give will only cost you 80p, and if you're a higher rate tax payer it will only cost you 60p.
To simply and quickly set up payroll giving click here.
To find out more about how you can become a corporate partner call us on 08500 1 22 555.