Useful Links


Beat provides helplines, online support and a network of UK-wide self-help groups to help adults and young people in theUKbeat their eating disorders.


Young Minds in Schools

Young Minds are committed to supporting the emotional wellbeing of all pupils. This website has lots of resources and advice for teachers on a range of mental health issues.


F.E.A.S.T - Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders

Useful site for parents, carers and loved ones of someone with an eating disorder. Includes a info, blog and live forum.


Eating Disorders - Partners in Care

A leaflet from the Partners in Care campaign of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.


The Toolkit for Carers

Toolkit for carers by Janet Treasure, Pam MacDonald and Ulrike Schmidt.From the Institute of Psychiatry.


Kimmeridge Court Eating Disorders Service - Carers Information

This booklet has been put together as a resource for the friends and families of people who have an eating disorder.


Eating Disorder Expert

Contains articles written by experts who continually update and add new content.


Eating Disorder Hope

Offering hope, support, and encouragement to those suffering from eating disorders and their loved ones.


The Eating Disorders Resource Center

Located in Silicon Valley The Eating Disorders Resource Center (EDRC) aims to raise awareness through education of health care professionals and the general public.


Eating Disorders Research

This web site has been developed by the eating disorders research team based at the Institute of Psychiatryin south London. The team works to find out more about the causes of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and other eating disorders, and to develop new and better treatments and ways of supporting carers.


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